Early Times Newspaper Jammu
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BSF to hold special training camp for Gurez youth: IG
Early Times Report

Srinagar, May 15: The Border Security Force (BSF) will hold a special training camp in the Gurez valley of Jammu and Kashmir for youths who aspire to join the paramilitary force, a senior officer said on Sunday.
BSF Inspector General (IG) for Kashmir frontier, Raja Babu Singh, said this during his visit to the Gurez valley in Bandipora district.
The officer urged the youngsters of the region to join security forces like the BSF and said a special training camp will be organised in the area.
"I will ask my officers to not only hold a camp for training the youth but also try to conduct a recruitment camp in the region," Singh said.
Interacting with locals during a public event, the IG said the BSF will try to ensure that the people living in the forward areas along the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir are able to get the maximum benefits of central government schemes.
Singh also requested officers of the local administration to initiate welfare schemes for farmers, students and other villagers living in remote border areas.
"Amenities like those required for good school education and for small farmers living here should be improved and we hope facilities are created so that tourist activities are enhanced in the scenic Gurez valley," he said.
The IG will tour BSF locations along the LoC, called forward defence locations (FDL), over the next two days.