CB books Revenue officials, land brokers for fraud | | | Early Times Report SRINAGAR, Sept 13: Crime Branch Kashmir received a complaint that some brokers in league with the Revenue officials had sold 141 Kanals of State/ Kahcharai land located at Estate Parimpora Srinagar to different beneficiaries and different colonies have developed in the said land. On the receipt of the complaint, a preliminary verification was initiated in Crime Branch Kashmir. During the course of enquiry, the allegations leveled in the complaint have been prima facie established that the land falling under survey No's 25, 26,207 at Barthana and survey No 57 at Parimpora Srinagar is Kahcharai land and has been illegally encroached upon, while as the land falling under survey No. 41 at Parimpora, Srinagar, is state land and has been allotted to various individuals under "Grow more food" scheme as revealed by the revenue records but the occupants have violated the norms by constructing houses and shops etc on it. It also came to fore that land falling under survey NO.25, 26 and 207 at village Barthana, measuring 30,08,28,15,81, &12 Kanals respectively is Kahcharai land. There are as many as 184 occupants who have constructed houses, shops, poultry form, Plastic Melting Factory, M/S Indo Kashmir and other structures on the said land. Besides some portion of land is under the occupation of some non-state subjects. The illegal occupants have been found to pay rent on monthly/yearly basis to the accused on different rates such as Rs.125611/= per annum from Indo Kashmir firm, Rs.12000/ PM from a non-local resident of West Bengal and Rs.90000/PM from one Mehraj-u-Din Gazi. The possession of land so encroached has been transferred without making any proper documentation in order to escape from criminal prosecution. Revenue officials with their willful omission to exercise powers U/S 133 Land Revenue Act in connivance with land brokers has transformed 158 Kanals of Kahcharai land under Khasra Nos. 25, 26, 207 and 57 into well-established colonies. In addition, land under survey No. 41 at Parimpora is State Land measuring 141 Kanals and was allotted to many people under "Grow more food" scheme and is presently under the occupation of 141 occupants and has been used for the residential and commercial purpose and has also been put to sale, though the Government has imposed ban on sale and purchase of such land situated within the Municipality Limits of Srinagar. Accordingly, Case FIR No.40/2018 U/S 420, 409, 447-A, 120-B RPC has been registered against officials of the Revenue Department and other accused (private persons). Further investigation has been taken up. |