Early Times Report Jammu, July 7: Monthly review meeting of Manvadhikar National Party (MNP) presided over by state party Chief Sanjay Dhar. The meeting was attended by all Morchas heads besides other members of the party.Ashok Koul(State Organizer) informed the members that the efforts of every member is required for strengthing the party. Vinod Raina(State Coordinator j&k) stressed upon the members to reach out at grass root level, spread the aim & objective among the general masses & connect with more & more people with the party. While speaking Arun Gupta (President Jammu Distt) told the audience that we should make it possible to reach out people of all the three regions of the state. Rakesh Kachroo Youth President J&K stressed upon to focus on next Generation which is future of every origination.The other members who expressed their views for strengthing the party are M. L. Bhat State Vice president J&K, K. L. Raina State Secretary, Raviender Singh vice President Youth j&k, Pradiman Singh Secretary Sikh minority cell,Anju Raina vice President displaced migrants, Priya Darshni legal convenerJ&K, Vicky ji secretary Youth j&K,Vinod Kachroo, P. K Bhat, Kuldeep Bhat State Treasure,Ayushji,Jai Kishori Kaw General Secretary displaced migrants . Rakesh koul from Delhi especially attended the meeting & expressed his desire to work for party.In this meeting Rakesh Koul is also nominated as Coordinator of Migrants MNP from (U. P) by our State President J&K. While delivering his speech Sanjay Dhar( State President) expresed his satisfaction on the functioning of every one in the party. He cautioned the Kashmiri Pandits to remain viglent from the agents of Hurriyat Conference & appealed all kp to defeat their design as they are working in the tune of those who have forced the Kashmiri Hindus to leave the Kashmir. |