SAMBA AUGUST 14: To review the anti-flood measures in the district, Deputy Commissioner, Rohit Khajuria, convened a meeting of officers here today. Executive Engineer Flood Control, Sunil Bhasin, Chief Planning Officer, Sukhleen Kaur, besides Assistant Executive Engineer (AEEs) were present in the meeting. DC reviewed the preparedness cum rescue plan formulated by Flood Control Department. He called for close coordination among the concerned departments and other agencies to save the precious lives in case of any eventuality during ongoing rainy season especially in river Basanter, Devak and Bein Nallah flood channels. It was informed that educational institutions and panchayat ghars have been identified to accommodate people in case of evacuation is required. Offices of Army, CRPF and Civil defence were asked to keep their men and machinery ready including tents, sand bags, latern, dozers, ropes Life Saving Jackets besides stretchers, emergency lights, Showal and blankets while Mechanical Irrigation Construction Division Samba has been asked to provide dewatering pumps for identified low lying areas in Samba town. Deputy Commissioner also directed concerned officers to ensure that all the arrangements relating their respective departments are kept ready to cater to the needs of the people of the district in case of any flood like situation.