Asks bankers to meet priority sector lending targets RAMBAN SEPTEMBER 18: District Development Commissioner (DDC) Ramban, Nazim Zai Khan today reviewed Credit Debit (CD) ratio of banks here at a District Level Review Committee (DLRC). The meeting was attended by manager RBI, Rahul Sharma, CPO, Dr. Kasturi Lal, Lead District Manager, Shkeel Ahmed Bhat, Director RSETI Subash Chander, DGM-NABARD, Arushi Sharma, CAO, CHO,GM DIC, AD Employment, DSHO, bankers and others officers of line department. It was informed that the district recorded Rs 1422.56 crore deposits and made Rs 560.47 crore advances up to June 2019 , while the CD Ratio of district has increased by 0 .76% and stands at 39.39%. The DDC expressed anguish over low CD ratio in the district and directed the bankers to redouble their efforts and initiate concrete steps for lending towards priority sectors. He asked them to achieve 100% targets and improve the CD ratio of the district from 39.39% to national target of 60%. The chairman pulled up Punjab National Bank, JCCB and ICICI for registering mere 20% CD ratio and showing poor performance in credits in Agriculture sector, SME segment and other priority sectors. He directed the LDM to circulate minutes of meeting to all stakeholders for ensuring effective implementation of decisions, besides seeking action taken report from them . Officers of line department were directed to attend the BLBC personally. He directed for opening of new bank branches and ATMs in uncovered rural as well as urban areas for providing banking facilities at people’s doorsteps. Threadbare discussion was held on the centrally sponsored schemes under which loans are provided to the beneficiaries for establishing own income generating units. He directed the banks to take effective measures for providing loans in Agriculture, Education, Housing and employment sectors to benefit maximum population. He asked the bankers to provide loans under MUDHRA, and effectively implement financial assistance schemes to people for establishing their business units. Earlier, the DDC stressed upon bankers and officers to participate in “Swachhta Hi Seva” a nationwide campaign and inspire their family members, relatives, colleagues besides others to take part in the noble social cause. He directed the officer to ensure restriction on use of Single Use Plastic (SUP) in their offices and in their day to day life. NO