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Stitching an Unholy Alliance | | Omkar Dattatray | 11/21/2019 10:11:25 PM |
| After the state assembly elections in Maharashtra, no political party mustered the support of the magical number of 145 to stake claim to form an alliance government. The people of the state have given a hung verdict. But the alliance partners of BJP and SS together have more than the requisite number to form a stable and ideologically viable coalition government .Under the power tussle between the BJP and SS and greed for the chief ministers post the state was put to political uncertainty. The single largest party BJP was asked by the governor to show the majority and cobble an alliance government. But BJP made it clear that it would not stake claim to form a coalition government .Thus the second largest party Shiv Sena was invited to stake claim for government formation. While SS wanted to stake a claim for government formation, however it could not get the support of the required number of the legislators and could not convenes the state governor of the needed majority .In the given situation governor asked the NCP if they can stake claim to form a coalition government. The NCP as well failed to have the support of the requisite number of members to stake a genuine claim for government formation .The congress was not asked to stake a claim for alliance government .When the governor as a constitutional head of the state was sure that a coalition government cannot be formed and ,he invoked article 356 of the constitution to recommend a presidential rule but kept assembly intact and did not dissolve it .As the situation prevails the hope of coalition government formation is there as the SS,NCP And Congress are holding parleys and are finding ways to cobble a coalition though this alliance if formed will be an unholy alliance and will be an alliance of north pole and south pole and hence unstable. The Shiv Sena,NCP and congress camp is cooking something but at the time it is premature to say something definite on coalition formation . Shiv Sena does not want to barter the chief ministers post in any way .However the talks on common minimum programme are going on but still the coalition is not taking place given the rigid stands of the three parties. Congress is fearing political loss if it alliances with the Hindutva party SS when congress is perceived as a secular party and has a secular face .In any case Shiv Senas alliance with its bitenori congress is also not in the interest of its political fortunes. The tripartite alliance if it takes its shape will be the alliance of diametrically opposite parties' .having no common ground and will be called an alliance of opportunists and an unholy one .This will be the alliance of ideologically opposite parties and as such will be most unstable. One is reminded of the alliance of the BJP and PDP in erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir which collapsed in the half way and could not last its full term .The alliance of SS, NCP and congress will be akin to the alliance of BJP and PDP. .However alliance politics has come to stay in India from the last few decades and it is not an untouchable given its presence at the national level and state levels .There should be some common grounds for cobbling a coalition and the coalition of north pole and south pole has been tested by the voters and they want a stable and strong coalition government. There should be some meeting ground between the parties who want to stitch an alliance. BJP and SS have ditched the electorate of Maharashtra by not honoring the verdict of the people by not forming a coalition government and this is an insult to the people of the state and these two parties will have to pay heavily for not giving a stable alliance government .The three parties are making consultations and still no results are there and there is still no final word on government formation .The three opposite parties who are now in the race of government formation should sink their differences if they want to give a coalition government to the people of the state .At the time of writing this column one can only say that a good sense may prevail on the three parties so that they will agree to salvage the state from uncertainty by forming a viable coalition in the interest of the state. At last one thing is comforting that Sanjay Raut of SS has said that a news for government formation will be given by the afternoon of 21st of November and it means that some formula and agreement has been reached between the three parties .Whatever it is, it is a good news for a state mired in stalemate and political uncertainty.
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