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'Big fight' gives Pak a chance to interfere | | | Union Home Minister Amit Shah's assertion in the Parliament that Congress divided India on religious lines has put the grand old party in a quandary. All the Congress leaders are screaming at the top of their voice that Congress was never in favour of India's partition and its leaders including Mahatma Gandhi had opposed the idea of the partition tooth and nail. Soon after Shah accused Congress of dividing country on religious lines in 1947 the Congress came up with the clarification stating that it was VD Savarkar propagated the idea of partition at Hindu Mahasabha meeting in 1935. Another senior Congress leader and Member Parliament Shashi Tharoor mocked at Shah's claim by saying that "He (Shah) had not paid attention at History classes." People are keenly watching the big fight between BJP and Congress over who divided India. The big question is if Congress or Savarkar were responsible for India's partition then what was Jinnah's role who actually propagated two-nation theory and demanded a separate state for Muslims. It is high time for our leaders to stop playing over sensitive issues as it creates confusion and diverts attention from the real issues. As the debate who divided India raged Pakistan chipped in to pinch the leaders of our country by making comments on the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB), which was passed in Lok Sabha on Monday. Passage of the CAB has paved the way for granting citizenship rights of India to persecuted members of minority communities in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. However, the members of majority communities in these countries won't be entertained in India. This seems to have hurt Pakistan that is why it has once again tried to interfere in the internal affairs of India. Both BJP and Congress should realize that if they keep on fighting with each other over political issues outsiders will try to poke their nose and unnecessarily interfere in the matters which don't fall in their domain. Leaders of both the parties should realize that partition is a history. Raking this issue and turning it into a national debate won't help anyone's cause in new India which is progressing at a rapid pace. The people of our country want to move ahead rather than discussing what happened in the past. BJP has been claiming that it's correcting the wrongs which have been committed in the past by the Congress but the grand old party of India is saying that the BJP is out defeat the idea of secular India. People, whom these parties represent, have been turned into mere spectators. |
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