Early Times REport
UDHAMPUR, Jan 17: The 3rd District Level Task Force Committee under the Chairmanship of District Development Commissioner, Dr. Piyush Singla sponsored 65 cases worth Rs. 3.79 crore for the un-employed beneficiaries to avail loan assistance under DIC and KVIB Udhampur for the year 2019-20 under Prime Minister Employment Generation Program. With this, the total number of sponsored cases during the year 2019-20 has gone up to 374 involving Rs. 23.79 Crore loan assistance. General Manager DIC Udhampur, Suram Chand Sharma apprised the meeting that the achievements for the year 2018-19 was above 200% and said that during the current financial year, 134 cases have been sponsored in the first quarter and 165 cases have been sponsored in the 2nd quarter. LDM Udhampur Bal Jee Naru, Cluster Head J&K Bank Ltd, Director RSETI, Amresh Kotwal, Functional Manager DIC Udhampur and other committee members were present in the meeting. |