Early Times Report Jammu, April 8: Amid ongoing lockdown due to outbreak of Novel Corona Virus (Covid 19) pandemic, congress party extended helping hand towards the needy people of old city Jammu. Senior Congress Leader Varun Magotra today distributed ration and essential supplies among the needy persons of Prem Nagar ward no. 7 Jammu City. Former President Distt. Congress Sevadal Sardari lal Mehra, Shamlal Mehra, Babli devi, Vinod Kumar, Sushma devi, Poli Devi, Anju Devi and others accompanied Mr. Varun Magotra and maintained social distancing due to this door to door distribution of Ration among the needy. Advocating oneness at this crucial time Mr. Magotra appealed to the common man to help the needy living around them and ensure that no one have to sleep empty stomach. Praising the helping and religious minded citizens of Jammu City, he said that various people are donating generously now a day. He appealed to the state administration to ensure life saving drugs available to patients so that every infected person can be fully treated. |