JAMMU, Sept 24: Jatinder Singh Slathia (Monu) President BJYM Satwari Mandal in consultation with Vinay Kumar Gupta President BJP District Jammu, Anil Kumar President BJYM District Jammu, Bharat Bushan President BJP Satwari Mandal and other senior leaders of the party announced office bearers for BJYM Satwari Mandal. Satish Mehra and Sonu Manhas have been nominated as Mandal Vice Presidents, Pawan Sharma as Mandal General Secretary, Sahil Sambyal, Rahul Kumar and Sonu Katal as Secretary, Arnab Singh as Treasurer, Raj Gupta as Media Secretary, Amarjeet Singh as Publicity Secretary, Gulshan Kumar as Office Secretary and Mahadev Singh as Social Media Secretary. |