JAMMU, Oct 27: Rich tributes were paid to Brigadier Rajinder Singh on his Martyrdom Day here on Tuesday at a tribute paying function organized by J&K Ex-Services League. Army veterans, senior government functionaries, civil society members and political leaders garlanded the statue of legendary soldier here at Brig Rajinder Singh Chowk. Civil Society and the Veterans including Thakur Gulchain Singh Charak, former Minister and President Dogra Sadar Sabha, Dr Sudarshan Kumar, former Director General DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Govt of India, Air Cmdr Kamal Singh, Senior Vice President J&K Ex-Services League, Col Kulbir Singh Jamwal, former Director Sainik Welfare J&K Govt, Col Ajay K Raina, SM who has written nine books including five on J&K State Forces and Army operations in J&K. Veterans who while paying their Homage demanded in one voice demanded separate Jammu State, Bharat Rattan for Brig Rajinder Singh and move back of J&K Rifles Regimental Centre from Jabalpur to Jammu. Col AP Galande, CO 7 JAK Rifles paid Homage ceremonially on behalf of the Regiment to their Martyr Chief of Staff, Brig Rajinder Singh who had laid down his life in the front as a last man, unparalleled Martyrdom in the World. Maj Gen Goverdhan Singh Jamwal, President J&K Ex-Services League laid wreath on behalf of 31000 life members of J&K Ex-Services League. |