Early Times Report JAMMU, Mar 4: Only Prime Minister Narendra Modi led Union government did justice with STs, said Ravinder Raina, President Jammu & Kashmir Bharatiya Janata Party. Ravinder Raina was addressing the Working Committee meeting of BJP ST Morcha which was led by its President Haroon Choudhary at party headquarter, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu. It commenced with the welcome of BJP President Ravinder Raina, All Morcha Incharge, Munish Sharma, Ex- Minister Priya Sethi, President Haroon Choudhary, National Secretary Mushtaq Inqalabi, General Secretary ST Morcha Choudhary Roshan Hussain with the traditional turban. Resolutions regarding the Inclusion of Gojri Language in 8th Schedule, Nomination of VC Gujjar Board, and other issues were passed in the meeting. Ravinder Raina congratulated ST Morcha team for successfully conducting party programmes at different districts. He asked them to organize mass awareness programmes in order to ensure that the schemes of Centre and State government reach to needy people. Previous Congress led government have misused community for vote bank politics but now only Modi led government did justice with the STs working on the policies at the ground level. Raina asked the ST Morcha leaders to more actively connect with the People of community. Haroon Choudhary, in his presidential address, said that the our community is ignored by previous governments and we are thankful to PM Modi and his team for the fulfillment of our main demands like political reservation, FRA, ST/ SC Atrocities Act etc. Choudhary Mushtaq Inqlabi also thanked high command for his nomination as National Secretary of BJP ST Morcha. Munish Sharma, asserted that the Nation has witnessed the accelerated pace of development and advancement under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He also stressed on the need of time management and proper liaison for smooth and efficient working of ST Morcha. |