Early Times Report JAMMU, Sept 2: The Hindi poetry book, titled 'Khwabon Ki Chandani' by writer, broadcaster, stage actress & director Kajal Suri, has been selected for 'Nav Lekhan Tej Puraskar- 2020' of Hindi Sahitya Mandal (HSM), Jammu in its third edition of the series. Hailing basically from Jammu, & a daughter of well known broadcaster, writer, film & TV actor Late Vijay Suri, Kajal Suri is serving at All India Radio, Delhi. The Jury appointed by Hindi Sahitya Mandal has considered this entry as the best among the first ever published literary work of Hindi writers who have submitted their creations. The Jury takes into consideration the individual experiences, ideas and approach in expression of the writer in the submitted entry. The members of the Jury, for the Award, included Retired Officer of Prasar Bharti, S. Shamindra Kumar Sharma, Prof. in Hindi, Parmeshwari Sharma and Senior Poet Dr. Nirmal Vinod. The Award was initiated in 2018 as Amrit Utsav of Hindi Sahitya Mandal in the memory of Late Tej Gulati, by the members of his family. A cash of Rs. 11, 000/- , a Commendation and a shawl is presented to the award winner. The Tej Puraskars for the years 2018 and 2019 were given to Jammuite Poet- Journalist Shakti Kunwar Singh and Rajouri based poet & a teacher, Sumeet Sudan, respectively. |