JAMMU, Oct 15: Dussehra festival was celebrated at village Pallanwala in the premises of Ever Green Public High School, Bhagwan Chak Pallanwala. On the occasion, the chief guest was Prabhat Singh and special guests were Sukhdev Singh, Dr Parshotam Lal, Honorary Captain Parshotam Singh Bhau and the other prominent present were Balwan Singh Chib, Capt Balbir Singh, Joginder Singh, Former Sarpanch Pallanwala Swran Singh Bhau, Namberdar Sham Singh, Shamsher Singh Chib, Koushal Singh, Sumit Singh, Ram Singh, Shamsher Singh Bhau and other prominent senior citizens including Tej Ram, Kuldeep Singh of Chhamb constituency were present. They performed ‘Shastra Poojan’ on the occasion of Dussehra. The festival, whether it is called as Vijyadashmi, Dusshera, or Durga Pooja, celebrates the end of evil by the good. Wherever it is celebrated it signifies the establishment of Dharma and the abolishment of Adharma. It marks new beginnings, establishment of new and fresh ideas in the society and freedom from negativity and evil that resides inside us. In the end, vote of thanks was delivered by Prof (Dr) Karan Singh Bhau. |