Early Times Report JAMMU, Nov 9: In the IFH National Short Film awards held at Bengaluru, Jammu based artist Raghunandan Singh Charak received the best actor award. Raghunandan Singh Charak and Arjun Verma from Team RS Charak Films were attending the IFH Red Carpet event representing their Short Film 'Good Morning'. Their Short Film 'Good Morning' was nominated for awards under 8 categories including Best Actor, Best Actoress, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Story, Best Editing, Best IFH Film, Best Supporting Actor. Charak played the negative role in the film with character named Rajveer and also was Screenwriter and Director of the film. After getting awarded RS Charak thanked his hardworking team who always trusted him. He expressed gratitude to Cinematographer Arjun Verma, Assistant Director Vishal Singh, Ayush Kumar, Casting Director Usha Salathia, Shivam Gupta, Mohit Bhagat, Payal and other cast and crew members. |