JAMMU, Nov 28: In an endeavor for the upliftment of farming community, Director Horticulture Jammu Ram Savak, conducted a whirlwind tour of District Kishtwar. During the tour, he inaugurated the Mega Awareness Camp at Dachhan, a far flung area of District Kishtwar, in the presence of Chief Horticulture Officer, Kishtwar Mushtaq Wani, DLSMS Ramban Pardeep Gupta, Tehsildar Kishtwar, PRI Members, and other officers & officials of the department wherein more than 100 farmers including women participated. While addressing a large gathering of farmers, Director Horticulture Jammu briefed the farmers about the various centrally sponsored schemes of the department and urged them to come forward, associate with the horticulture department and avail the benefits on different components viz: Bore Well, water harvesting tanks, Drip irrigation, Custom Hiring Centres, vermicompost units, protected cultivation, Strawberry plantation, tools & implements etc. for upliftment of their socio- economic status. He also laid emphasis on planting of High Density Plants in their fields so as to get more income from the same area in order to double their income. The farmers also put forward their various demands especially availability of plant protection chemicals in their Dachhan area and the chair vehemently assured them and also instructed the CHO Kishtwar to sought out the issue immediately. The farmers of Dachhan area appreciated the efforts of the department and said that Department of Horticulture was the first department who organized such a mega awareness camp in this far flung area and demanded to organize more such camps. Earlier, the Chief Horticulture Officer, Kishtwar welcomed the Director Horticulture Jammu during the programme and impressed upon farmers to avail the benefits of different farmer friendly schemes of the department and enhance their income. DL Subject Matter Specialist, Ramban also redressed the various problems e.g insect-pest diseases, fruit drop, technical operations etc. being faced by the farmers in their orchards. Later, the Director Horticulture started the plantation drive by planting a sapling of High Density apple plant in the farmer’s field at Dachhan, in the presence of CHO Kishtwar, DLSMS Ramban, Tehsildar, PRI members and farmers. During the drive, more than 20 hectares of area was covered under plantation. |