JAMMU, Nov 30: Several joined Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) at AAP office, Sarwal in Jammu West Constituency in a meeting organized by Rakesh Lakhotra, Secretary, District Jammu West. Senior AAP leaders Ram Singh Chauhan, Rajesh Bali, Kuldeep Kumar Rao, Tilak Raj Gupta, Rohan Bedi, Rakesh Lakhotra, Rahil Mahajan & Vishal Arya were also present on the occasion. Those who joined AAP included Gurcharan Singh, Rahul Bassan, Dalveer Singh and Ramesh Kumar. Welcoming new entrants into party fold, the AAP leaders said that the only alternative before the people is 4-point magical mantra of Delhi model i.e. free electricity up to 200 units without any cut, free potable water up to 20,000 litres per household, quality health service on door steps through Mohalla clinics and quality education in government institutions. They further said that AAP has revolutionized and galvanized the lives of Delhites which can be done here also in J&K if AAP is brought to power. They said that time has come now when every Indian is appreciative of Delhi Model of governance which, in the first instance, hammers a death blow to the virus of caste, creed & colour and instead ensures development of all sections of society. |