agencies KOLKATA, May 10: About 300 players from across India have confirmed their participation in the Bridge Federation of India's affiliated season's first championship to be held in the city from May 12-15, according to West Bengal Bridge Association's secretary Debasish Ray. Among them notable international players like Hema Deora, Jaggy Shivdasani from MumbaI, Delhi's Ashoke Goel, local challengers Sumeet Mukherjee, Sukamal Das, Subrata Saha have made their entry in the 4-day 4th All India Shree Cement Bridge Tournament to be held at Biswa Bangla Convention Centre, New Town, Rajarhat, one of the best venues for the mind game, added Ray. Besides them, Debobrata Mazumder, Shivnath Dey Sarkar, Pranob Burdhan, RajeswarTewari, Keyzad Anklesaria have also confirmed their tournament entry in which altogether 50 teams will be seen in action in day and dusk. Veteran International Kamal Mukherjee will also participate along with many Junior Internationals like Sayantan Kushari, Sagnik Roy, and Babhrubahan Bose. The championship, which would be unveiled jointly by HIDCO chairman Debasish Sen and Shree Cement MD H M Bangur, has a total Rs 5 lakh prize money. |