Early Times Report
Jammu, Sept 22: Three days UT level training programme on “Social Defence including Transgender Persons, Beggary Prevention, Old age Care, Drug Abuse Prevention for Police functionaries” sponsored by National Institute of Social Defence (NISD) (Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India) New Delhi, commenced at S.K. Police Academy Udhampur today. 35 Police officers from all over UT J&K are participating in the training programme. Shri Pawan Kumar, SP, SKPA formally inaugurated the course. In his inaugural address Shri Pawan Kumar SP, welcomed all the course participants on behalf of the Director of the Academy. He briefed the audience that this Academy in collaboration with National Institute of Social defence, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Govt. of India has designed the main objectives of the course to Facilitate improvement in quality and standards of services for vulnerable group in need of special and legal care, Build comprehensive knowledge base of participants on Social Defence and its related legislation, sensitize them about the procedures & provisions of different Social Defence legislations, exposure to field situations and innovative approaches in the field of Social Defence for hands on training to sharpen the skills & attitudes of participants & create a cadre of functionaries working in the areas of Social Defence with the comprehensive knowledge, skills & attitude on the subject. He said, the participants will definitely enrich their knowledge & skill after attending such a useful training programme and will apply the same in field also. The inaugural session was also attended by Dr. Kavita Suri, Director Deptt. of Lifelong Learning Jammu University (Guest Faculty), Shri Sunmati Gupta, Asstt. Director (Q), Shri Vishal Manhas, Administrative Officer/ Estates, Shri Chander Mohan Sharma, Inspr. Incharge Trainings/ R&D, Shri Ashok Kumar, Inspr. PA to Director Academy. The course is being coordinated by Shri Sukhvir Singh, Asstt. Director (Admn.) and Shri Tarsem Kumar, Inspector. |