agencies NEW DELHI, Jan 16: The BCCI on Monday announced that Viacom 18 have grabbed the media rights for the upcoming Women's IPL for a whopping Rs 951 crore for five years, pipping other bidders, including Disney Star and Sony, in the auction. (More Cricket News) The auction for the T20 League was conducted by the cricket board in Mumbai on Monday. The global rights comprise three categories -- linear (TV), digital and combined (TV and digital). In the men's IPL, separate rights are sold across regions. According to BCCI secretary Jay Shah, the fee per match will come to Rs 7.09 crore for the next five years. "Congratulations @viacom18 for winning the Women's @IPL media rights. Thank you for your faith in @BCCI and @BCCIWomen. Viacom has committed INR 951 crores which means per match value of INR 7.09 crores for next 5 years (2023-27). This is massive for Women's Cricket," Shah tweeted. "After pay equity, today's bidding for media rights for Women's IPL marks another historic mandate. It's a big and decisive step for empowerment of women's cricket in India, which will ensure participation of women from all ages. A new dawn indeed! #WIPL @ICC @BCCIWomen," read his another tweet.