Early Times Report JAMMU, Aug 18: The Additional Sessions Judge of Doda, Amarjeet Singh Langeh, has rejected the pre-arrest bail plea of a habitual thief named Aftab Hussain. The court's decision came after a thorough examination of the police report, which revealed that a complaint was lodged on August 1, 2023, with the respondent Police Station by a Graduate Engineer from the National Highway and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. The complaint outlined that on July 20, 2023, crash barriers, sign boards, and delineators were stolen from the National Highway within the jurisdiction of the respondent Police Station. Based on this complaint, FIR No. 10/2023 for an offense under Section 379 IPC (Indian Penal Code) was registered, and an investigation was initiated. During the investigation, an individual named Mohd Mudsar was taken into custody, and upon his disclosure statement, four crash barriers and five leg poles were recovered from a location called Lal Pari, Marsoo. The investigation further revealed that the petitioner, Aftab Hussain, operates a scrap shop at Pul Doda and was allegedly involved in the theft of crash barriers, which were then concealed. The police report also stated that Aftab Hussain is evading arrest, and a notice under Section 41-A of the Cr.P.C (Criminal Procedure Code) has been issued to him. Additionally, the petitioner is facing trial in another theft case that is currently subjudice. After hearing both sides, the court noted that Aftab Hussain is accused of running a scrap shop involved in stealing crash barriers and poles. He is also facing trial in a theft case and is not cooperating with the investigation. The court observed that granting anticipatory bail to Aftab Hussain would not serve the interests of justice and might send a discouraging message to the public. Therefore, the court dismissed his application for anticipatory bail. This decision underscores the seriousness with which cases of theft and property crime are being handled by the judiciary and law enforcement agencies. The investigation is expected to continue to ensure that public trust in the justice system is maintained.