Agencies GURUGRAM, Apr 1: The Gurugram cyber police have arrested an employee of the RBL Bank for his alleged involvement in cyber fraud. The accused allegedly used to provide bank account details to cyber thugs by taking Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000, said the police. According to the police, the arrested accused has been identified as Amit Kumar, a resident of Sangam Vihar in Delhi. He was arrested from Delhi on March 28 and the police took him on four-day remand after producing him in a city court. "The arrested accused works to open accounts in the RBL Bank, Hauz Khas branch in Delhi. He creates fake forms and gets bank accounts opened and then he sells the fraudulently opened bank accounts to cyber thugs. He used to take Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000 from cyber thugs in exchange for providing a bank account details.