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Literate require to be educated | | Mahadeep Singh Jamwal | 10/26/2018 11:16:09 PM |
| No doubt the heading of the article may be disturbing to many who consider themselves as literate class of the society but such class appears to be deprived of the difference betwixt literate and aducated. Literate and educated are words that people usually use interchangeably like they are synonymous. They are different and are independent of each other. A literate person might not be educated and vice versa. According to census, a person aged seven years or more than seven years who can read and write with understanding in any language is called a literate person. A person who can merely read but cannot write is not classified as literate. In the same manner a person can be literate but uneducated; especially when he is bereft of the manners and refinement, the courtesy required in common behavior between people. Firstly, education is a very broad term it means not only knowing how to read and write, but also the general social, spiritual, behavioral awareness and some skill. Education is an essential human virtue, a necessity of society, basis of good life and sign of freedom. Education is important for integration of separate entities and the best defense against ignorance. Being educated prepares us for the future; help us to find better opportunities. Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom - George Washington. Traditionally, literacy is the ability to use written language actively and passively; one definition of literacy is the ability to read, write, spell, listen, and speak. Literacy, on the other hand, is a small part of the definition of education. It means that one knows at least how to read and write. To say that one is educated, one should be literate and more. For example, be aware of social responsibility and decent behavior. If one is just literate but not educated, one knows how to read and write but nothing more. That person lacks social behavior or common sense. The education is important because it opens the mind and expands it. An educated person understands human nature and has the ability to establish, maintain, and improve lasting relationships. An educated person knows how to establish rapport with others; they know how get others to trust and respect them. If we want to close the achievement gap, we are required to build a well-educated workforce and responsible citizenry. The intellectual property of an educated is a shine that can do way the dark spots prevalent in the divided society and this property is required to be protected and shared by the society. The ULB elections especially in Udhampur have proved it otherwise and my concern for awareness to literate class is about the value of the vote that is considered only as fundamental right of the voter. I too have no second thought about the right of the voters as their fundamental right but whether we apply this right in right perspective is the matter of concern. How many of us enjoy printed pages, large number of population is isolated from the world of ideas and progress and those literate are possessing academy degrees and professional degrees but their vision is confined to a sphere of their subjects only and they feel highly enlightened class but they can be easily categorized as a class who stand deprived of fundamental intelligence hence they are not in a position to play a specified role in awakening the illiterate or near-illiterates about the right use of the fundamental rights including the right to vote. Such illiteracy is a barrier to democracy. This is an invisible population, a constituency without a common voice and with little collective recourse. The modern world belongs to the half-educated, a rather difficult class, because they do not realize how little they know. Such a state of affairs threatens both the economic and political foundations of the country. Illiteracy doesn't breed illiteracy but it is the literacy that breeds political illiteracy and education can transform illiterate to literate and finally to an intellectual and visionary. The literate but ignorant section of the society has long been exasperating the society, especially the few who consider themselves intellectuals. A person is functionally illiterate who cannot engage in all those activities in which educated society is required for effective functioning of communities. The functional literacy required to comprehend the basic texts and documents associated with competent citizenship contributes to a society's level of educated civic literacy. Literacy is broken down into three parameters: prose, document, and quantitative literacy. Each parameter has four levels: below basic, basic, intermediate, and proficient. Below basic in quantitative literacy would be able to do simple addition. In order to claim the privilege of intelligent living we have to enlarge our opportunities and enjoy the benefits of substantial government by representation. It is clear that everyone in the community must be equipped with means of experience and knowledge from others and becoming informed on all matters of common interest and importance. An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people but the educated person must also be enlightened person as enlightened person is insightful and open-minded. He is able to see the world with great clarity, without attachment to preconceived ideas about people, places, and things. Belief and intuition are replaced with clarity of vision and understanding. So these are the enlightened person who can bring a change in the societies and not literate one. We can come up to a point of consideration that academic qualification, criteria to be called as literate contributes little for a change in the society. It is the 'civic education' that matters much. Civic education means all the processes that affect people's beliefs, commitments capabilities, and actions as members or prospective members of communities. An educated person has gone to school for a lot of years and can read. This is his academic literacy whereas the illiterate person may know about lots of useful stuff that the literate person doesn't know about, because the illiterate person has been working and learning useful stuff outside of school. This person can be well defined as civically educated. Sometimes people are civically educated in ways that disempowered them or impart harmful values and goals. Families, governments, religions, and mass media are just some of the institutions involved in civic education. Unless we have a well-educated people, we're vulnerable to many draw backs. A well-educated populace is the backbone of our middle-class. The society is required to be educated on following lines: Who has the full rights and obligations of a citizen? In what communities ought we to see ourselves as citizens? What responsibilities does a citizen of each kind of community have? What is the relationship between a good regime and good citizenship? These questions are rarely treated together as part of comprehensive theories of civic education; instead, they arise in passing in works about politics. We do not have the right to spoil the environment based on our literacy theory for future generations that are, morally speaking, are a crime on our part in actuality we require an educated class for a bright future of our generations who will be a deciding factor for selection of right representatives of the society. |
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