Education & Health, no agenda of political class: JPS & ETTIA | | | Early Times Report
Jammu, May 15: Jammu Pvt. Schools & ETT Institutes Association-(Progressive)' said that on the other hand, huge guide lines were issued against private sector by the Supreme Court, High Court & the state government without knowing the ground realities within our so-called system where every noble cause is being treated as commercial, Association stated. To us, school going children of less than 5% population of country is using school transport within the country where number of Supreme Court guide lines have been imposed but at the same time, not a single guide line was issued by the apex court of the state governments for rest of school going children of 95% population which itself is a joke, association added. Similarly, on one hand, state govt. has imposed huge formalities for Board affiliation & recognition of private schools like 'Building safety certificate', 'Chemical safety certificate', 'Fire safety certificate', 'Traffic Police certificate', 'Building infrastructure certificate, etc. but on the other hand, as per RTI information, govt. sponsored schools of state are relaxed for such important certificates, Association alleged. Even sub-standard constructional govt. schools of state & valley based wooden made govt. schools in particular, are exempted from issuance of Building safety certificates and the Fire safety certificates respectively, association added. Pertinent to mention here that a clear cut difference & neglect is being created within Govt. & Private sector intentionally by the in-visionary lot of rulers & bureaucrats with no logic rather a disparity towards the innocent govt. schools' children, Association alleged. |