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Admin employing strict rules to ensure uninterrupted information flow | Outdated content on Govt websites to become thing of past | | Peerzada Ummer
Early Times Report
Jammu, Nov 7: Gone are the days when one used to find obsolete content on the government websites in Jammu and Kashmir. Among the top most priorities of the new dispensation is to ensure that the Right to Information Act is implemented on the ground in its true spirit. A senior official within the government divulged that the government has asked the administrative secretaries of various departments to remove obsolete content from the websites of their respective departments and upload fresh content sans any delay. A meeting, said sources, in this regard took place in the recent past and it was emphasised that the administrative heads of the departments shall not in any way be allowed to leave their official websites unattended. "You will find a new boom in Jammu and Kashmir's IT sector. The government is making hectic efforts to make the public services available online and utilise the IT sector to its fullest," says an official privy to the development. Pertinently, there were continuous complaints about the lapses by the government in modernizing the working of its offices and departments. Even as almost every department in the state has its own website to provide online information to the people but none is being updated and contains obsolete information. As per the reports, the state government, in the past, had taken a major initiative about 14 years back to implement e-governance in all the government departments, Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs and other organization under the centrally sponsored scheme. Most of the support is provided by National Informatics Centre (NIC), which is a premier institution of the Government of India, established in 1976. Respective departments have to maintain the infrastructure which includes the software content. The Governor on February 6, this year had noted that for the effective functioning of the RTI Act considerable improvement shall need to be brought about in the maintenance of records in the public offices and to replace the traditional secrecy with openness, and transparency except in matters which need to remain undisclosed in the national interest. He observed that we may see considerable reduction in the number of RTI applications which are being received by the public authorities if Section 4 of RTI Act is implemented and the public authorities suo moto disclose information by putting up the same on their websites. However, reports inform that government is preparing a detailed list of the departments whose official websites are defunct or are containing obsolete and outdated content. "There will answers sought from the administrative heads about why they haven't followed the Standard Operating Procedure vis-a-vis making the official information public. These administrative heads cannot give excuse of the internet blockade in Kashmir that came into effect on August 5, this year. The secretariat's IT department had kept the facility open for the uploading of the digital content during office hours," divulged the official. |
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