Early Times Report Jammu, Dec 14: A delegation of School Education Employees Coordination Committee (SEECC) today called on Commissioner Secretary of School Education department and presented their charter of demands. According to press release, the delegation was led by Amar Nath Thakur state chairman of in charge cadres coordination committee (SEECC andJKGTF). They submitted two charter of demands of I/C gazetted and non gazetted teaching cadres. The main demands submitted and discussed in the meeting were implementing order No. 743 GAD of 2007, convening regularization committee meeting twice a month on fixed dates to regularize all remaining 11000 ( back log and fresh )In charge subject lecturers, joint directors, CEOS, principals, ZEOs and headmasters expeditiously , benefit of TA and all other allowance to PSC +2lecturers appointed under SRO 202, clearing all seniority cases of principals, headmasters ,lecturers and all other cadres to minimize unnecessary litigations in courts, regularize I /C ZEOs promoted as I /C principals or reserve 20% vacancies for their regularization as per seniority, deputing all untrained +2 lecturers appointed through PSC for B Ed training , sanctioning career progression scheme (CPS) in favour of all lecturers beside others. Commissioner Secretary listened the delegation and assured to consider their demands amicably. Those present in the meeting were Ravesh Saraf State Gen. Sec. +2lecturers Forum, Daleep Kumar press secretary, Rakesh Kumar Bhat state coordinator, Rashid coordinator Kashmir division and Harpal Singh State advisor. |