Early Times Report Jammu, Mar 25: Ashok Kumar Former MLA and JKPCC Spokesman applauded the bold step taken by Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi for National wide 21-day lockdown to stop novel Covid-19. In a statement, he pleaded to the people of Jammu and Kashmir to follow the precautionary measures under the government advisories of GOI to break the chain of Novel Covid-19. He appealed to people to cooperate with government advisories, stay at home, stay safe, do not get panic, care for yourself and your loved ones and discard the rumours mongering related to Corona Virus. Ashok said: "We all have a responsibility to stop the chain of spread. This will not be easy task but a lockdown is the only way to save thousands of lives. We are responsible for not just our own safety but for everyone's else safety also". Ashok further said, where much of the our population is packed into congested cities and towns, faces the prospect of the virus sickening millions, many of whom have deadly potential of dying due to poor underlying health systems or their inability to access proper care. This unprecedented novel Covid-19 has already taken thousands of lives in erstwhile world. Thus in such crucial times, we expect to work hard and take the support of community at large to halt the pandemic Novel Covid-19. In a statement, Ashok urged to the Lt. Governor of Jammu and Kashmir that there is a urgent need for providing basic essential services to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. |