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Lockdown: A test of our patience and stoicism | | | shyam sudan
There is a well known saying that patience prevails at the end. No doubt patience is a great virtue in one's life which can change the behaviour of an individual from a volatile mentality to a stable and lucid one.By adopting this great virtue and trait in our life we can win over all the complexities and tensions of life in a very easy manner.Indians are embedded and blessed with this special trait in their mindset due to great teachings of our saints,sages and philosophers. Our great forefathers had practiced this virtue in their life in dealing with every trivial issue of their life.Even Mahatma Gandhi was the great supporter of this trait and he usually practiced this on several odd occasion of his public life and during his movement of freedom struggle against the Britshers. Today the world community is facing a great threat from the covid 19 pandemic. All the nations of the world are feeling helpless and incapable in fighting against this menace. A complete global lockdown like situation can be seen everywhere. Even in india as a precautionary measure we are in complete lockdown. Recently prime minister sh Narinder Modi has announced the implementation of this lockdown. He asserted that it is very crucial time for us and for our survival to strictly follow this norm without any delay.He further asserted that it is very mandatory to implent this lockdown in present situation otherwise we have to pay the heavy price for it in future. No doubt we can not win against this war with our half hearted and negligent approach. Because our medical facilities are not as strong as that of developed countries of the nation.At present even the most advanced nations of the world which have proper and latest medical facilities are suffering from shortage of various medical sophisticated devices .Because due to overcrowded cases of covid 19 pandemic in hospitals there is shortage of these facilities. And if such a situation arises here in our country which is the second most populous place on this planet then the situation become out of control for us.Only precautionary measure in advance can save our country from this man made devastation. Lockdown in our country will be for next 21 days.However it is very difficult to restrict the public in homes and in social distancing due to large size of our country's population. At this crucial time only our patience can change the condition in our favour. And we are known for this attribute, at several occasions we had shown this great virtue of patience. During the demonetization people have shown a great spirit of patience and perseverance. Also on several occasions of national emergency and issues of national interest we have seen such kind of response from the people of our country. Only a person with strong will power can behave with patiently, it is not the attribute of a coward and timid one.During these days of social distancing we can give a strong message to the entire world that patience is our inborn trait and for our national interest we can sacrifice everything. By maintaining proper advisories of the government we can give a positive gesture of our patriotism and nationalism. No doubt these days are not going to be easier and comfortable for everyone. Because there are small children, old age persons,and other ailing persons in everyone's house.And there are different needs and requirement of all these people of different ages.But we must keep in mind that nothing is above than this precious and gifted life.Prime minister sh Narinder Modi has already said in his message that health is wealth.And all these restrictions be imposed for the safety of public health. No doubt there must be no compromise over this issue. It is the responsibility of every civilized citizen of our country to cooperate with government at this crucial hour of crisis. It is beneficial for others as well as for our personal distancing and isolation is the only precautionary measure to get rid from this pandemic. And this social distancing can only be possible if we behave in a patience way for next 21 days.If we can't put a patience of 21 days for our mutual benefits and society than we have no right to live in 21st century.In past we had already eradicated many diseases which was pandemic in nature like polio ,small pox etc.with our collaborative efforts and patience.This time our war is with corona virus and by virtue of our patience and decisive strategies we can win this war without wasting further more human lives from our country.we can engage ourselves in yoga ,meditation and other household activities to get rid from the burden of frustration and isolation in these crucial days of self captivity.honourable prime minister has appealed for this mass cooperation from the public for the welfare of every one.However he tweeted that the essential services will be exempted from this lockdown and will provide the material of basic necessity to every citizen. Many state governments had also announced for different welfare schemes for the public during this captive is advisable to general public to not involve in any kind of panic and disarray. Prime minister sh Narinder Modi has already announced for a relief package of 15 thousand crores for providing different medical equipments and facilities in the country. Soon there will be announcement of an economic package from the finance department for the welfare of economic issues and trade world. Hopefully in coming days after the quarantine and lockdown era we will enter into a normal and comfortable era.provided that during this lockdown condition every body must cooperate with the guide lines and advisories of the government patiently. In this crucial hour of crisis only our patience can give a new ray of hope to our morale .No doubt challenge is very difficult and big for us but we Indian are designed with different kind of stuff and calibre. A new world is waiting for us .Hopefully everybody must understand this and act for the welfare of mankind . No doubt tree of patience is bitter but it's fruit are always sweet. |
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