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Farooq Abdullah releases Rs 1.5 cr to Srinagar hospitals | | | Early Times Report
Srinagar, Mar 29: National Conference (NC) President and former Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah on Sunday released an additional amount of Rs 1.5 crore for Srinagar based hospitals to combat COVID-19.The amount will be equally distributed among three hospitals in Srinagar — SMHS hospital, CD Hospital and GB Pant Hospital. “Continuing our commitment to fight #COVID19, Party President and MP Srinagar Dr Farooq Abdullah today released an additional amount of Rs 1.5 crore to Srinagar based hospitals. The amount is to be equally distributed among SMHS hospital, CD Hospital and G B Pant Hospital,” the National Conference wrote on its official Twitter handle. The Srinagar MP had on Saturday released an amount of Rs 1 crore to combat COVID-19 threat in Jammu and Kashmir from his MPLAD (Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme) fund.”Out of Rs 1 crore, Rs 50 lakh has been earmarked for SKIMS (Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences) Srinagar and Rs 25 lakh each for Budgam and Ganderbal districts,” the party said in a release.”As per directions from party president Dr Farooq Abdullah, Anantnag MP Hasnain Masoodi has released Rs 1 crore to combat the threat of COVID-19 in his constituency. The amount will be equally distributed to Anantnag, Kulgam, Shopian and Pulwama districts,” the party added. |
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