Three people tested positive for coronavirus in Jammu and Kashmir on Saturday, taking the number of cases in the Union Territory to 78, a government official said. The fresh cases were reported from Narsoo village in Udhampur district of Jammu region, government spokesperson Rohil Kansal said. "Three more positive cases reported today from Narsoo, Udhampur. All contacts of a positive patient from Udhampur with travel history abroad," Kansal, Principal Secretary (Planning and Information), tweeted.
With this, the total number of coronavirus patients in Jammu and Kashmir increases to 78 -- 57 in Kashmir division and 21 in Jammu division. Two patients, both in Kashmir, have died of the disease while over 23,000 people are under surveillance.
Over 1,218 tests have been conducted in the Union Territory so far, officials said. A total of 34 hotspots have been identified in J&K. These include seven in Pulwama, five in Srinagar and four each in Bandipora and Budgam, two in Shopian and one each in Ganderbal and Baramulla in Kashmir division, and five in Rajouri, four in Jammu and one in Udhampur district of Jammu division. |