JAMMU, June 2: BJP’s RS Pura SC Morcha today announced the nomination of new office bearers, executive members and mandal presidents. Bahadur Lal, President BJP SC Morcha R S Pura District in consultation with Sham Choudhary former minister, SC Morcha UT President Bharat Bhushan Bodhi, Prof Gharu Ram ex-MLA RS Pura and Prabhari SC Morcha State , District President HS Pummy, District Org Gen Secy Inderjeet Sharma and senior leaders of the Party announced new office bearers, Executive Members and Mandal President.s Gara Ram, Manohar Lal, Jung Bahadur, Raj Pal, Bushan Lal have been nominated as Morcha Vice Presidents while Rajesh Bhagat ,and Vimal Kumar have been Nominated as Morcha General Secretaries. Ajay Kundal, Anita Kumari, Pritam Singh, Sat Pal have been nominated as Morcha Secretaries while Yash Pal was made Spokesperson and Raman Kumar Addl Spokesperson. Vijay Kumar Media Secy and Jagdish Raj Addl Media Secy. Gurmeet Moten nominated as Morcha Treasur and Surinder Kumar Addl Treasurer, Raj Kumar Publicity Sectt and Ramesh Kumar Addl Publicity Sectt. Morcha Executives Members are Kamal Jeet, Rakesh Nath, Mohinder Lal, Tirth Ram, Dharam Pal, Tilak Raj, Dharam Pal, Bablu Kumar, Dwarka Nath, Vinod Kumar, Shiv Ram and Harbans Lal. Kuldeep Raj nominated as Morcha Mandal President (Suchetgarh), Som Raj nominated as Morcha Mandal President (RS Pura ), Ramesh Lal nominated as Morcha Mandal President (Miran Sahib), Sushil Kumar nominated as Morcha Mandal President (Bishnah) and Sham Lal nominated as Morcha Mandal President (Arnia). |