JAMMU, July 12: Former Deputy Chief Minister, Kavinder Gupta, along with JMC Mayor Chander Mohan Gupta and BJP Jammu District President Vinay Gupta, distributed Domicile Certificates to members of Gorkha Samaj residing in Gorkha Nagar locality of Gandhi Nagar Constituency in a programme held on Sunday. The programme was organized by Karuna Chetri, BJP District Vice President & Gorkha Sabha President. Kavinder Gupta, said the recipients of the Domicile Certificates, included those sections of society who were residing in J&K for the last more than 70 years but were deprived of their legitimate citizenship rights. Providing Domicile Certificates was a long-pending demand of the people who were living in Jammu and Kashmir for many years but were deprived of citizenship rights. Now they have equal rights as other citizens of Jammu and Kashmir after getting Domicile Certificates. Kavinder said that J&K’s Article 370 and Article 35A barred non-locals and outsiders from owing houses and jobs here as Domicile Certificate was mandatory for buying land, applying for jobs. Later, Mayor Chander Mohan Gupta, while speaking on the occasion, said that with the distribution of Domicile Certificates the long pending demand of the public have been fulfilled. |