JAMMU, Sept 27: Jammu & Kashmir Pradesh Youth Congress, General Secretary, Nimrandeep Singh Bhullar accused the BJP Govt. for anti-farmer Bills and said that the Central government did a big blunder in the farming sector. While speaking during the ‘speak up campaign’ for farmers here today, Singh said that farmers are the backbone of our nation and the present regime did a big blunder with the farmers. “The BJP-led government is upto enslave the entire farming sector of Nation to the corporate sector,” Singh said and added that according to these bills the farmers will have no right on their own produce and will not have the authority to decide the cost/price of their crop production. “This will leave the farmers high and dry despite consuming their blood and sweat while crop production,” Singh said, adding, “The MSP introduced in the new passed bills have nothing that could be called pro or favouring the farmers since as per MSP, the cost of produce will be decided by the corporate house without the consent of the actual owner, farmers.” However, the passing of these bills in the Parliament session-2020 has triggered protests and agitation across the nation and in J&K wherein farmers for whom the bills are directly effecting are demanding withdrawal of twin bills with immediate effect. The government must rethink the bills and take a concrete decision that should not affect the farmers as they are the backbone of our nation.