JAMMU, Sept 28: J&K BJP led by its President Ravinder Raina, observed birth anniversary of Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh at party headquarter, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu. BJP National Secretary Dr Narinder Singh along with former BJP State President & former Dy CM Dr Nirmal Singh, former BJP President & MP (Rajya Sabha) Shamsher Singh Manhas, former BJP President & former Minister Sat Sharma, former DyCM Kavinder Gupta, BJP Vice-President Yudhvir Sethi, General Secretary Adv. Vibodh Gupta, JMC Mayor Chander Mohan Gupta and others also paid tributes to the Bhagat Singh on the occasion. BJP Vice-President & former Minister Sham Sharma, Vice-President Anuradha Charak, former Minister Sham Choudhary, former Minister Priya Sethi, former MLC Ch Vikram Randhawa, former VC Rashpal Verma, Secretary Arvind Gupta, Spokesperson Adv R S Pathania, Office Secretary Tilak Raj Gupta, Media Incharge Dr Pardeep Mahotra, Mahila Morcha President Sanjita Dogra, Additional Publicity Secretary Ayodhya Gupta and others were also present on the occasion. Ravinder Raina, while paying tributes to the great revolutionary leader, elaborated on the ideology of Shaheed Bhagat Singh and appealed to masses to observe the day in the fond memory of martyrs, who sacrificed their life for country’s freedom. Raina said that India will always feel indebted to Bhagat Singh and other revolutionaries. He said that every Indian is proud that these great men belong to our land as they sacrificed their lives so that others can live a life of freedom and dignity. He also enlightened everybody on the life events of Bhagat Singh telling how he pursued his life goal as the true son of soil. Other party leaders who spoke on the occasion, said that India will never forget the supreme sacrifice of Bhagat Singh, who was just in his young age when raised the voice of revolt against the British rule and faced many atrocities but did not deviate from pledge of serving the motherland.