SAMBA, Oct 2: In a drive against illegal mining and illegally transportation of construction material, Samba Police on intervening night caught a dumper and handed it over to Mining Department which was later challaned with a fine of Rs 2200. A Police Party of PS Vijaypur while performing vehicle checking duty at naka NHW near AIIMS site, Rakh Barotian, Vijapur intercepted a dumper bearing Regd. No. JK21E-0479 moving toward Vijaypur. While checking, the said vehicle is found loaded with construction material (Sand). On questioning regarding transportation of construction material, the driver of said vehicle failed to produce relevant documents required for transportation of construction material. At this act, Police team of PS Vijaypur entrusted the case to District Mineral Department Samba which was later challaned by the officials of District Mineral Department Samba by imposing fine of amount Rs 2200. |