JAMMU, Oct 2: Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) produced chargesheet against Superintendent of CGST and a Multi-tasking worker in a graft case before the Court of Special Judge Anti-Corruption Srinagar. The chargesheet was presented in case FIR No 01 /2019 of P/S Srinagar, ACB against Parveen Kumar Loomba son of Jetinder R/O 225 Chandigrah (Supdt CGST) and Imtiyaz Ahmad Wani son of Gh Mohd of Ishbar Nishat (Multi-tasking worker). The instant case was registered on a written complaint alleging therein that the complainant approached office of the Superintendent GST Division-I, Camp Bishamber Nagar Srinagar for issuance of No Objection Certificate in favour of his SSI unit under the name and style of M/S Reliable Silks located at Choudhry Bagh Raniwari, Srinagar. The officials Parveen Kumar Loomba, the then Superintendent CGST –Division 1st, Bishambar Nagar, Srinagar and Imtiyaz Ahmad Wani Farash, Multitasking worker, CGST –Division1st, Bishambar Nagar, Srinagar, had demanded an amount of Rs.4000/- as bribe for the said purpose as per the complaint. On receipt of this complaint, case FIR No. 01 of 2019 under section 5(2) P.C.Act Svt. 2006, 4-A Amendment Act 2014 was registered in PS ACB, Srinagar and investigation of the instant case was set into motion. A successful trap was laid and accused were caught red-handed along with recovery of tainted money of Rs 4000 from their possession. Subsequently both the accused were arrested and after completion of all legal formalities, their immediate family members were informed of their arrest, and an intimation was sent to their department also. Later on, the accused were admitted to interim bail by the High Court of J&K Srinagar on 15th of January, 2019. The charge sheet has been produced before the Court of Special Judge Anti-Corruption Srinagar after obtaining prosecution sanction from the concerned department.