CBI raids three locations in Delhi in Rs 1,800 cr SBI fraud case | | | Agencies New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation on Friday (December 4, 2020) said that it has registered a case on a complaint from State Bank of India (SBI) against a Delhi-based private company (borrower company) on the allegations of causing an alleged loss of Rs 1800.72 crore (approx) to SBI and other consortium banks.
The CBI said that the FIR was registered against the company based at Lajpat Nagar and others including its Director, Guarantor etc, unknown public servants and unknown private persons.
"It was alleged in the complaint that the accused had cheated the State Bank of India led consortium banks to the tune of Rs 1800.72 crore (approx) by way of diversion / siphoning off bank funds, fictitious transactions, cheating, forgery, criminal conspiracy etc," said CBI.
The CBI also conducted searches on Friday at three locations in Delhi at the office and residential premises of borrower company and other accused. |