Early Times Report JAMMU, Dec 30: The Traffic Police Jammu has generated Rs 3.70 crore by penalising around 54,000 violators across the district in the outgoing year 2020. As per details provided by the SSP Jammu, Traffic, Shiv Kumar Sharma, the traffic police Jammu has realized fine to the tune of Rs 3,70,59,650 from traffic violators in the year 2020, amid eight months lockdown. In the year 2019, the Traffic Jammu had realized Rs 5.74 crore as fine from the violators. As many as 54,619 vehicles were challaned from January to December, this year in last year the number of challans was 1.99 lakh. As per figures, 14,567 people were fines for not wearing crash helmet and Rs 87,73,800 was realised, for seat belt violation, 32,181persons were fined and Rs 1,86,43,250 was realised, for pollution control certificate, 670 people were fined and Rs 4,80,950 was realised, for wrong parking, 7108 people were fined and Rs 91,01,250 was realised and for overspeed and dangerous driving, as many as 93 vehicles were challaned and Rs 60,400 was realised. The SSP had also appealed to the general public that any traffic police officials asking for money or involved in corrupt practice, his complaint can be lodged on mobile number 9419156178 or 9149686208 . Any complaints with regards to general grievances will be heard in the office chamber of SSP Traffic Jammu Panjtirthi. But if anybody violating the Traffic laws will not be tolerated. Please cooperate with traffic police Jammu for betterment and accident free Jammu city. |