Early Times Report
Jammu, Feb 1: A meeting of Kashmiri Khatri Hindu Maha Sabha was held through teleconferencing with Kashmiri Migrants who are scattered all over the India here today under the chairmanship of its President Ramesh Chander Mahajan, in which the members expressed serious concern over delay in resolving various issue of migrants who are reeling under pathetic condition for a long period of time. They appealed to UT and central governments to resolve this genuine issue at earliest. The cash doles given by the govt to relief holders is not sufficient to meet their day to day expenses in view of present prices hike of daily commodities and other basic necessities like costly medicine, doctors fee, tests and treatment and school fees of children etc, widows having no source of income are also in desperation appealed to govt to Enhance the monthly cash relief assistance with free medical aid at earliest. Relaxation in conduct of smooth competition for written test and examination to provide one member employment to each single registered migrant family in govt job be ensured with immediate release order in favour of all waiting lists of employees under PM package. That many migrant patients are already under financial church and their reimbursement of Medi-claim expenses bills are deliberately kept in pendency which is a serious issue, these bills be cleared immediately without delay. Migrants pensioners must be given Rs 2000/- medical allowance with other facilities at par /on pattern with central Govt in lieu of low monthly pension allowance and to confer Pending time bound promotion of suffered retired migrant employees / pensioners employees since 1990 which were deprived due to migration of the concerned department of J&K. The members who spoke on the occasion were R, C. Mahajan, Pawan Chopra, V.K Tandan, Sunil Kumar Bhat, V.K .Pandita, R K Khera, P.K Bhasin, Dalip jee, P.K.Kholi, Deepak Kapoor, Rajee Nijhon other senior members. |