JAMMU, Apr 22: In the memory of his beloved father late Vijay Kumar Gupta, his son Sunil Gupta and family members on Thursday held ‘Murti Sthapana’ at Vijay Mandir, Om Nagar Ward No 31. Murti Sthapna function of Sai Baba, Mata Durga and other deities was held amidst chanting of Vedic Mantras and Shalokas by the Pandits. The function commenced with ‘Havan- Pooja’. People of the area participated in the Murti Sthapana programme. The Chief Guest, Mayor, Jammu Municipal Corporation, Chander Mohan Gupta was among the prominent persons present on the occasion. He was accompanied by senior journalist and social activist, Sohail Kazmi besides other prominent persons. Mayor congratulated the family members of late Vijay Gupta for an overwhelming job and performing Murti Sthapana to satisfy the religious sentiments of the masses. He stated that people must come to the temple to seek the blessings of Sai and other deities for their wellbeing. “Love towards humanity, mercy towards the helpless, patience is the message Sai Baba gave to humanity,” he said. He prayed to God to save the world from COVID.