Early Times Report REASI, Aug 30: Singer Kumar Ravi Kalka Mata (Reasi) Bhajan "Tere Dhar Da Bikhari" was released on Janmashtami in an event which was organized at ARJ Productions and Hill City Music studio, Geeta Nagar, Reasi. Bakil Singh of Reasi was the chief guest who released the bhajan. During releasing Director RJ Rajput, Ravi Dutt, Neelam Singh, Manmeet Singh, Jatin Sadotra are also present there. This bhajan has been released from the ARJ Productions YouTube channel. This bhajan has been written by Sanjay Vidrohi and sung by Singer Kumar Ravi and he has also acted in the Bhajan video. The music of this bhajan is given by Surshaam Shamu and producer of this bhajan is Lakhan from Reasi while the video direction of the bhajan is done by RJ Rajput of Geeta Nagar, Reasi and asist. by Thakur MM, Crew members are Neelam Singh, Bhagat Jyo and Manmeet Singh. The entire project was shot in Kalka Mandir and done by ARJ Productions. |