Jammu, Sept 6: One day awareness programme organized at Kabir Mandir Jani Pur Jammu. The programme was organized under the supervision of Dy. SP Rajesh Sharma , Dy. Controller Civil Defence, Jammu and sh. Parmjit Kumar , Chief warden civil Defence , Jammu. In the awareness programme Civil Defence Instructors have given the basic knowledge of First Aid, CPR, Chocking, Snake Bite, Fire rescue methods, by the Civil Defence Instructors. Paramjeet Kumar, Chief Warden has delivered valuable lectures on the topics of Disaster Management and highlighted the role and importance of Civil Defence organization. The awareness program was attended by 50 civilian ladies of the area. Besides others Dy. Divisional warden R. Vijay Magotra, Post warden Jani Pur Smt. Gurdeep Kour , Sub. Inspector Ram Dayal Saini . |