New Delhi, Dec 4: Union Home Minister Amit Shah, while replying to the demand of restoring Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir, said on Saturday that it had been existing for decades, it was there even in the 90s, but there was no peace at that time, which shows that Article 370 has no connection with peace and hence, it will not be restored. Addressing a media conclave here, Shah said, “Post August 5, 2019, the situation is gradually normalising in the Union Territory. Tourism sector is experiencing a fast growth in the Union territory, while various development works are in progress.” Regarding statehood, the Union Minister said it will be restored after following a set process of Act and as per the chronological order. First, delimitation will be done, then elections will take place. “Political parties are demanding restoration of statehood in Jammu and Kashmir first and conducting the elections later, however as per the chronological order, first step will be delimitation, second elections and then, the statehood will be restored in Jammu and Kashmir. Some parties, however, don’t want to follow the right order and deliberately want to create ‘a political dispute’,” he said. Replying to the anti-incumbency factor in Uttar Pradesh and upcoming elections, Shah said, “It is not appropriate to calculate the arithmetic of votes from alliances. Earlier, after the alliance of SP and Congress, speculations were rife with ‘what will happen now’, after that when three parties came together, such questions were asked again. But both times, the BJP won. “I have recently visited six places in UP and received huge response from people. On this basis, I assure that we are going to get a thumping majority,” he added. On farmers’ agitation, the Union Minister said, “Prime Minister Narendra Modi has shown courage and repealed three farm laws to end the farmers’ protest. The elections of Punjab will be on the basis of merits and development issues. |