Bajaj Auto has announced price hikes of Rs 1,117 and Rs 915 for its recently launched Pulsar N250 and Pulsar F250 motorcycles. Taking this into consideration, you'll have to pay Rs 1,39,117 (ex-showroom) for the Bajaj Pulsar N250, and Rs 1,40,915 (ex-showroom) for the F250. Bajaj Auto has raised its prices every month for the past year. In other words, the company launches its motorcycles at a low price, but as time passes on, the motorcycles cost a few thousand rupees more than they cost when they were launched. Both, Pulsar N250 and F250 get a new tubular steel frame, digital instrument cluster with an analogue tachometer. Furthermore, both models are powered by a 249 cc oil-cooled single cylinder, SOCH engine. The Pulsars compete against Yamaha FZ25, Suzuki Gixxer 250 and TVS Apache RTR 200 4V mainly due to similar pricing. |