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YSS-Cup 2021: IBDL Cricket Tournament begins at Kishtwar | DC urges youth to showcase talent in their favourite sports | | Early Times Report KISHTWAR, May 4: An Inter Block District Level Cricket tournament began today here at Chowgan Ground Kishtwar organised by Sports Departments Kishtwar under YSS-Cup 2021. The tournament was declared open by Deputy Commissioner, Ashok Sharma as the chief guest of the inaugural function. As many as 12 teams, including 11 block level teams & one Municipal level team selected after holding inter Panchayat level matches, are participating in the IBDL tournament. A huge gathering of cricket lovers, players and sports officials were present on the occasion. In his inaugural address, the Chief Guest encouraged the youth of the district to showcase talent in their favourite sports."The success begins when you step out of your comfort zone and give your best to achieve the target" he advised the youth. The inaugural match was held under the supervision of I/c ZPEOs, conveners and well known officials of the department. The cricket lovers and senior players of Kishtwar marked their presence during the match. Later, DC along with guest of honour Inderjeet Singh Parihar, SDM Chatroo distributed certificates among players who participated in different events organised last year.
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