JAMMU, Oct 21: The Ministry of Home Affairs on Saturday ordered transfer of three top ranked police officers here. As per the order, Chandan Kohli, IPS (AGMUT:13), Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Jammu in pursuance of the approval of Competent Authority to the appointment of him as Deputy Secretary in the Senior Executive Cadre of the Cabinet Secretariat, on deputation basis, for a period of four years from the date of assumption of charge of the post or until further orders, whichever is earlier, the officer is relieved from the Union territory of Jammu & Kashmir, to enable him to take up the new assignment at the Centre. The order further read that consequent to the order, in the interest of administration Vinod Kumar, IPS, Senior Superintendent of Police, Udhampur, is transferred and posted as Senior Superintendent of Police, Jammu. Swarn Singh Kotwal, IPS, Commandant, SDRF 1st Bn., Srinagar, is transferred and posted as Director, Special Security Force, J&K, vice Joginder Singh, who has been posted as Senior Superintendent of Police, Udhampur, vice Vinod Kumar, IPS. |