Agencies NEW DELHI, Jan 23: The Enforcement Directorate Thursday said two Delhi-based "cyber criminals" siphoned off more than Rs 4,900 crore abroad by "misusing" special economic zone (SEZ) facilities. The two accused -- Punit Kumar alias Puneet Maheshwari alias John, a resident of Moti Nagar area, and Ashish Kakkar alias Pablo, a resident of Greater Kailash -- were arrested by the federal agency last year as part of this investigation. On January 17, ED in a statement said a provisional order was issued to attach nine residential flats in Delhi and a parcel of agricultural land in Rewari, Haryana, in the name of the two people and their families. The ED said it got on to the case after taking cognisance of multiple police FIRs registered across the country against people involved in crimes like online gaming fraud, multi-level marketing schemes and investment scams, including part-time job frauds, online shopping and fake loans disbursal frauds through mobile apps.