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A Forgotten Soldier - Brig Pritam Singh, Military Cross (MC) | | | M S Nazki
Brig. Pritam Singh is an other name of courage, command and bravery. He is the only man to whom the credit goes for saving Poonch and peoples there in. He was named as "Sher Bacha" (A Child having bravery and courage that of Lion) by the elders of that time. This was not only name but also a tribute out of love and from the core of heart. Even today the survivors of that turmoil assert that their life is a gift from Brig. Pritam Singh. Poonch brigade, popularly known as the Saviours of Poonch not only defended the besieged Poonch town in 1947 for about 12 months under the command of Brigadier Pritam Singh, and made the Jammu-Poonch link possible but also defeated the enemy in successive battles. In 1965 when Pakistan launched Operation Gibraltar on 5th August 1965, Poonch Brigade showed extra-ordinary courage under the command of Brigadier Zora Singh and captured important ridges like Raja, Rani and Neza Peer Heights. In this manner, 49 miles historic Haji Peer Uri-Poonch road was opened and 558 Sq. Km. area including Chanjal, Kahuta, Rankri, Zairat, Aliabad, & Haji Peer etc was liberated. However this area was returned to Pakistan after Tashkand Pact. In 1971, Pakistan launched 2 Brigades operation in Poonch sector to capture Poonch Town on 3rd December 1971. The defenders of Poonch sector under the command of Brigadier Natu protected every inch of the land and repulsed the attack after hand to hand fighting at Langoor, Madari and Shahpur posts and also captured Mumtaz post in Baghyal Dara area. From 1989 to 2003, this brigade defended the LOC and combated terrorism in this sector with the help of peace loving people of Poonch. During earthquake of 2005 Brigadier N.K. Bakshi established camps for the victims and provided all necessary help in reviving their lives. These helpful, friendly and sympathetic traditions of Poonch Brigade continue even now. During the torrential rains and floods of September 2014 when Poonch witnessed large scale losses of lives and property and lower portion of Poonch town washed away, in flooded Poonch river, the present commander Navdeep Singh Barar along with officers and jawans immediately rushed on spot and helped the administration in rescuing the people from flooded area. The Deputy Commander Charandeep Singh also got Jammu-Poonch road opened by constructing a part of washed away Darungli Bridge in 2 days' time. Poonch was a principality of local Dogra Rajas within J&K state before independence. The total area of the principality was 1647 sq. mile while the projected population of 1947 was 4.36 lacs which included 76000 Hindu and Sikh and rest was Muslim population. It was a central place between Kashmir valley and western Punjab and the principality was well connected with Poonch, Kotli, Mirpur Jammu road and Poonch-Uri, Muzaffarabad Srinagar road. The principality comprised of four tehsils namely Haveli, Mendhar, Bagh and Sudhnutti. Pahari, Gujjar and Bakerwals inhabited this region apart. There were some pockets of Kashmiri and Dogri speaking people. During the happenings of 1947 Poonch had become the centre of disturbance and except Poonch town the whole of the principality had gone to Pakistan during 1947-48. The Poonch town remained besieged for about 12 months. It was only due to operation Link-up launched by Indian forces during October-November 1948 when the besieged city of Poonch was finally linked up with the rest of the country by capturing Rajouri, Thanna Mandi, Budhal, Surankote, Bhimber Gali and Mendhar. Poonch principality had become the centre of disturbances immediately after 15th of August 1947 AD. Sardar Mohd Ibrahim Khan, the member of Praja Sabha from Bagh, Sudhnutti who was earlier sent to England by Raja Jagat Dev Singh of Poonch on his expenses for Bar Act Law was practicing at Srinagar, rushed to Poonch and started underground activities against Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir in June 1947. Initially, he organized about 60,000 ex-servicemen personnel of Poonch principality (who hed participated in second world war) and motivated them for revolt against the scattered Maharaja's forces operating in Poonch principality. In the last week of August 1947, Ibrahim Khan went to Pakistan, met Raja Yaqoob Khan of Hazara, the officers of Pakistan Government and finally the Chief of NWFP Sardar Abdul Qayoom Khan and sought their armed help for revolt against Maharaja's forces in the state. Pakistan Government not only provided him arms and ammunition, contingents of armed forces but also allowed about 30,000 tribe-men to participate in revolt against the Government of Jammu and Kashmir. At that time there were only two battalions of Dogra forces in Poonch area one at Bagh under the command of Colonel Malook Singh Hakal and other one was stationed at Palandri under the command of Brigadier Krishan Chand. These forces were scattered in the whole Poonch principality. By assessing the situation that this small contingent of Dogra force can easily be eliminated, Sardar Ibrahim Khan along with the contingent of Pakistan forces, local ex-servicemen and tribes-men (Afradies) of NWFP started big offensive in Poonch area. These Dogra forces were not in a position to stop the Pak sponsored attack and started retreating towards Poonch town. Upto 3rd of October 1947 the whole area of Poonch principality was captured by the rebels and Pakistani forces except Poonch town. On 24th October 1947 Sardar Ibrahim Khan declared the formation of 'Azad Kashmir Government' at Plandri in Poonch principality. In these circumstances, Brigadier L.P Sen of Indian forces stationed at Uri was directed to move towards Poonch via Haji Peer for the relief of Poonch town. Due to the burning of an important Chanjal bridge at the base of Haji Peer, the Indian offensive brigade could not move towards Poonch. Only Brigadier Sen, Lt. Col. Pritam Singh and Kamaun battalion marched on foot towards Poonch and reached the town on 20th November 1947. After assessing the situation Brigadier L.P Sen after directing Lt. Col. Pritam Singh to command Poonch garrison left back Uri on the same day. Immediately after the return of Uri Brigade, the raiders again cutoff Uri-Poonch road. The construction of the Air Field was completed within a period of seven days near Poonch town. By this way in the first week of December 1947 Poonch city was air linked with the rest of the country. After consolidating of his forces, Pritam Singh started offensive on the enemy from April 1948 onward. Colonel Mulouk Singh with Dogra contingents assaulted Krishana Ghati and captured it. Then Mulouk Singh captured Khanater, Salootri, Degwar, Serian posts and reached upto to Madarpur bridge. Dogra Hawaldar Krishan Singh and constable Buaditta fought so gallantly in these battles that they got Virchakar. upto 10th of April our forces assaulted on Khari Dharmsal picquet and captured it. On 13th of April Indian forces snatched Chhaga piquet from the enemy. On the other hand, the operation rescue was started from Jammu side to link Jammu with Poonch in the month of March 1948. On 18th of March determined Indian forces captured Jhanger after killing 300 enemies. On 12th April 1948, our forces snatched Rajouri from Pak sponsored forces. Upto 20th June 1948 the Indian forces under the command of General Kulwant Singh compelled the enemy to vacate Thanna Mandi, Dhera Gali, Budhal, Buffliaz and Surankote. On 14th October Pir Bardeshwer and on 26th October Pir Kaleva in Rajouri were captured. On 8th November the Indian forces under the leadership of Brigadier Yado Nath Singh and Lt. Col. Jajgeet Singh Arora stormed Bhimber Gali and snatched this important pass from Pakistan. The advance continued upto 19th November. Pir Topa was captured by Brigadier Umrao Singh of 19th Infantry Brigade. On the other hand, the forces of Poonch garrison under the command of Lt. Col. Chadnan Singh started advance from Poonch town towards Pir Topa on 19th November and after crossing Panj Kakrian ridge reached Dhanina Pir on 20th November by killing more than one hundred Pakistani forces stationed there. On 21st of November the forces of Umrao Singh started advance from Topa towards Dhanina Pir reached there on the same day and completed the Jammu-Poonch link up. By this way, the 14th month siege of Poonch city was got vacated. This was the biggest loss suffered by Pak sponsored forces in this sector --(THE WRITER IS A WORKING JOURNALIST CAN BE MAILED AT) [email protected] |
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