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What Freedom meant to the callous Monger ? | | Shiveta Gupta | 8/13/2016 10:47:58 PM |
| Everyone feels inquisitive to know about History our ancient or past history which we can say Indian History. When we turn pages of our memory to recall all the event which we know about Indian History, one thing sure, we feel sensitive about- is our Freedom struggle. We should move little far back to the time, epoch or period of our country where few craven elements were found in the people which caused our motherland feel pity and depressed. We sing songs in the glory of our Freedom fighter but we don't mend our ways and livs to show dedication to great men. What were the causes which were responsible for the slavery of our country? What were those reasons which divided our country into parts? India is a land where virtues exists then which evil forces snatched our Freedom? According. To Istvan Szechenye, "Man usually appreciates his Freedom when he is no longer Free on when he has obtained it by infinite sacrifice". Today, we are living in Free India but when we make an estimate of profit and loss, we have to say Indian Freedom costs much to us in the way of losing our ancestral figures who would also have the right to live like us but they died for us. What a big difference it may make when we say that they died for us but we don't even live for us, we are still living under dark shadows of slavery which still moves with us. According to Moore, " life can be no charm for him who lives not free". Volataire rightly said, "Man is free the moment he wishes to be". But we quall as if we have got again in the clutches of molestation and exploitation. According to Goethe, "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free". "Swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it" were the lines spoken spontaneously by Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak. Freedom is as important as we breathe, we all have the right to enjoy freedom as the bird fly freely and happily in the sky, we all must walk freely and gaily on earth. Once Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in his fight against Britishers questioned in one of his meetings with Britishers, the logic behind Britains colonial attitude. He wandered how Britains which believed, firmly, is democratic values, could be so callous and cruel in their attitude to the demand by Indians to be left free to govern themselves. One of the Britishers fired a comment, which he thought, would upset Bose, "Remember, the sun never set on British Empire". Bose shot back without a moment hesitation, "Even 'God' doesnot trust the Britishers in the dark", silencing the heckler, winning the respect of the audience with sharp reproof. Indians had a very bad time, Jallian Wala Bagh Massacre, where people forcibly threw themselves into the well, their cries are not suppressed upto the level of the well only, their blood is not water which wasted, their lives are not like throwing pebbles into the well. Even today, we hear their voice saying, "Don't lose your Freedom. Freedom is our basic right and all must have it". In my deep perusal, I found Prime Minister of Free India Jawahar Lal Nehru whom Mahatma Gandhi called 'Jewel of India' willingly joined hands to fight for Freedom. Those were the days of struggle. Most prisoners face life hard the food for prisoners carried too much of dirt and mud. They feared they would fall ill. In due course of time, this news reached Pt. Nehru. He decided to take up the matter with jail superintendent. The official received Nehru with a smile and asked, "what can I do for you?" Pandit Ji pointed out the poor quality of material used to prepare food for prisoners, "why can't you give them good rotis? Nehru asked. "Good rotis"? the official indicated he didn't follow. "I mean rotis made from wheat flour not mud or dirt" Nehru replied. "Aha………. I thought you wouldn't mind. You have pledged to fight for freedom then why you should feel upset if the food you get gives a taste of mother earth too? "Jinab", Nehru satirically retort, "You are right because we are fighting for the freedom of the country, for the Liberation of mother India from British rule, but we haven't come here to eat up Mother India. Mother India remained tied in fetters for more than hundred years. What tempted Britishers to come and stay here? If Britishers have a mighty empire than what lure them to rob our Treasure. If Britishers were noble men than why they bombarded on us. If Britishers had their own place to live then why they tried to snatch our land. Mighty nation always try to over power weak this is what Britishers wanted but our country had great great heroic tales and events written is golden words in the epics. Our country is mightier than any other country in the world then what prompted Britisher to come and create havoc over here. They entered our country to trade the goods and peddle slowly like ants and all got accumulated and fixed here on the sweet honey and nectar produced by our country. They got fascinated to see our cultural heritage. They found the people having simple living with spiritual flavor. They saw the virtues and values playing together on the floor of humanitarianism. They found it very hard to meet their vested interest so they planned to divide and Rule policy and applied on our people with the result communal riots, regional bias and quarrelling with one another, hatred, molestation, frustration were on the social screen. And hatred begets hatred. People started hating each other. Their fissiparous ideology brought differences and they adopt blandishment in their behavior to approach Britishers. They started to rob their own country and working for the interest of Britishers. Few patriots or savant who had logic in their brain stood brave and fought till their goal of achieving liberation is served. Today's freedom is only the gift heir heirloomed loomed by them. Let not the fatal eye would ever dare to pass through it let not the foreign rule dance on the floor of our wishes and dreams. Each and every country has problems, settle the disputed at National level, if the situation worse then seek the country of friendly Nation. No country has the right to overpower the integrity of any country because Cowper rightly said, "Freedom has thousand charms to show that slaves however contented never know". Acc. To Moore, "Ones the flame of Freedom fled, it never lights again". We must have spiritual awaking and harmony at universal level. Each country should follow the universal law of Goodness because 'God' is 'One'. He is all Good and bestowing equally on Mankind. Wishing all Happy millennium and world Peace, let Truth prevails and Goodness stay in all the minds and hearts. Let us all enjoy performing on the universal stage where each country should display their culture and spectators adore and appreciate. |
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