Early Times Report Jammu, Mar 13: Professor P.K. Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, SKUAST-J chaired 9th Extension Education council meeting of SKUAST-Jammu held on 13thMarch, 2018 at Conference Hall, Main Campus, Chatha. The statutory meeting is an annual feature wherein scientists of the university, officers from the line departments, experts in the field of agriculture and veterinary sciences and progressive farmers takes stock of the extension activities of the previous year and formulate action plan of the extension activities of next year. On the onset Dr. K.S. Risam , Director Extension, SKUAST-Jammu welcome the officers of line department, scientists and HoDs of Faculties of Agriculture&Veterinary Sciences, progressive farmers Heads of KrishiVigyanKendras of SKUAST-J to the meeting and deliberated upon the importance of holding such meetings and briefed the participants about the extension activities undertaken by SKUAST-Jammu during the current year. Speaking on the occasion, Professor P.K. Sharma laid emphasis on proper implementation of centrally sponsored schemes, mainly PMFBY, RKVY, KrishiSinchaiYojna etc. for augmenting the income of the farm households. He said that Integrated Farming System (IFS) that includes cultivation of crops and trees in combination with dairy sector should be the main strategy for doubling the farmer income. Dr. R.S. Sahota, former Director Extension Education GADVASU, Ludhiana and Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed, Director Extension, SKUAST-Kashmir in their expert remarks suggested documentation of farmers experiences and understanding their indigenous knowledge. Further they emphasized for impact evaluation of developmental programmes. |